Tuesday, March 2, 2010


We watched 4 clips about the institution called Willowbrook. The first clip called "Willowbrook" was a series of black and white photos that were taken. It showed children naked, cold, and uncomfortable. Young men and women were in straight jackets, hardly able to move. The staff was limited, with only 4 or 5 members per 50 or so patients that were disabled.
Geraldo Rivera and Bobby Kennedy make publed statements of how a change was needed, but years later, still no change had come.
In the last clip called "Bernard", a former resident of Willowbrook was interviewed. His name was Bernard. He had experienced physical and sexual abuse during his 18 year stay at Willowbrook. His mother was unable to care for him and the doctors told her to institutionalize him. He was 3 and didn't leave until he was 21. He spoke with intellegence and humor, even though he had severally limited intellectual capacity. He joined with others to secretely talk of the condition at Willowbrook and was a part in having the facility closed.
Seeing these images makes me so very grateful to be alive today. We understand that having a disability is a special condition that doesn't have to completely limit a person in life. And we can now see through the eyes of a person we differ from, and find that we are all human and alive.

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