Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

Gilbert Grape lives in a small town of Endora. Gilbert has two sisters, and one brother. His brother's name is Arnie, and he has severe physical and mental disabilities. Gilbert's mom was known in the past as the town beauty, but after her husband committed suicide, she allowed herself to become grossly obese. Now Gilbert is left to care for his family, and most importantly his brother. Gilbert's life seems to be stuck in a stand still with repeated frusterations, and no where to go. This is, until he meets a girl and her grandmother who come to town and change his life.
Arnie is unable to care for himself. He loves to climb the town's watertower. He shows great affection and playfulness. His home life is strained and what many would call dysfunctional, but in the movie it is apparent that he finds comfort and belonging there. One of the most important aspects of his home life was his routine. This was the component in his life that held him together in the midst of his chaotic days.
This movie portrays Arnie's disabilities as something that gives him energy and a fresh and unique way to look at life. It is a movie that will have you looking at your own life as a gift.

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